World Chambers Federation

ICC World Chambers Federation signs a cooperation agreement with ASCAME

  • 8 December 2014

The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) World Chambers Federation (WCF) signed a strategic agreement with the Association of the Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce and Industry (ASCAME).


Delegates from the two organizations met during the 8th edition of the Mediterranean Week of Economic Leaders during which the 23rd General Assembly of ASCAME also took place.

In order to enhance collaboration between the two institutions, promote business practices and disseminate know-how, the two entities signed a Memorandum of Understanding that will improve services and a help coordinate actions to the benefit of their mutual memberships.

Peter Mihok, WCF Chairman, attended the event and took the opportunity to extend an invitation to all the participants to join the 9th World Chambers Congress which will take place on 10-12 June 2015 in Torino, Italy. He also encouraged chambers in the Mediterranean region to submit their entries to the 2015 World Chambers Competition: “The competition is a splendid opportunity for ASCAME’s membership to share and promote their best practices with the global community of chambers of commerce,” he said.

Sonia Naretto, Project Manager at the Torino Chamber of Commerce and Industry, also welcomed chambers to her city and met with delegates from across the region to present the Congress and Torino’s preparations for hosting this major international forum for chamber leaders.

Founded in 1982 as the initiative of the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce, ASCAME’s network of 250 chambers of commerce and other associated bodies from 23 countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea will now be a part of the WCF global network.

I believe it is safe to say that now the future of the global economy depends heavily on SMEs and they can count on ICC and WCF to strengthen their activities.

During the signing ceremony, Mr Mihok highlighted the important role chambers play in strengthening economic recovery in the Mediterranean area through stronger small- and medium-sized enterprises.

He said: “SMEs are at the forefront of initiatives to restart our growth engines. I believe it is safe to say that now, more than before, the future of the global economy depends heavily on these enterprises and they can count on ICC and WCF to strengthen their activities. Mr Mihok also applauded the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding as an excellent first step to tap into new opportunities to exchange and promote best practices, as well as encourage entrepreneurial initiatives.

ACAME will join nine other regional transnational bodies including Eurochambres, Association of Iberoamerican Chambers of Commerce (AICO), African and Francophone Consular Chambers (CPCCAF), Confederation of Asia-Pacific Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CACCI), and Junior Chamber International (JCI). The agreement is in line with the WCF mission to strengthen chamber activities so that they continue to remain relevant to their member companies, face the challenges and opportunities of globalization, and encourage pro-business policy and stewardship in their local economies.

The 8th edition of the Mediterranean Week of Economic Leaders which took place in Barcelona on 26-28 November brought together business professionals, government agencies of the Mediterranean region and representatives of international and regional institutions. Participants discussed initiatives to promote Euro-Mediterranean cooperation and integration as a core factor for the economic and social development of the region. This year’s edition entitled “A need for change” focused on promoting a green economy as the main driving force for the development of the Mediterranean region.

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Join the discussion with other chambers of commerce on ICC WCF’s Linkedin group.

Visit 9th World Chamber Congress.

Visit The Mediterranean Week of Economic Leaders.

Visit Association of the Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce and Industry (ASCAME).