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ICC updates Guide to Enforcement of Awards

  • 18 April 2013

ICC has released a new edition of its Guide to national procedures for recognition and enforcement of awards under the United Nations Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (New York Convention).

Expert determinations
ICC Guide to National Procedures for Recognition and Enforcement of Awards under the New York Convention
ICC Guide to National Procedures for Recognition and Enforcement of Awards under the New York Convention

The 430-page Guide systematically sets out local rules of procedure, case law and court practices in many of the Contracting States to the New York Convention.

Drafted by specialists, the Guide consists of country reports containing information on such matters as the courts with jurisdiction over recognition and enforcement proceedings, the evidence they require, applicable statutes of limitation, conditions under which proceedings may be stayed, available appeal procedures, the confidentiality of recognition and enforcement proceedings, and the types of awards that may be recognized and enforced.

This second, enlarged and updated edition of the Guide covers 79 countries and territories worldwide and takes account of recent legal developments in the field, with numerous citations to legislation and cases.

Introducing the Guide, John Beechey, President of the International Court of Arbitration, described it as “an up-to-date, practical reference tool” marking ICC’s historical links with the New York Convention.

The Guide is published as the 2012 Special Supplement of the ICC International Court of Arbitration Bulletin.

It can be ordered on