ICC unveils new online training in international arbitration
The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has unveiled its new “ICC Arbitration online training”, the first official e-learning course to explain the inside workings of international arbitration and the 2012 ICC Rules of Arbitration.
From the comfort of their computer, Arbitration aficionados can now follow eight hours of lessons on ICC Arbitration as a method of dispute resolution, drawn up by the ICC International Court of Arbitration’s secretariat staff and Yves Derains, Chair of the ICC Institute of World Business Law and former Secretary General of the ICC International Court of Arbitration.
“As an addition to ICC’s traditional arbitration training, this e-learning package is invaluable. It means we can provide a clear, insider’s explanation to anyone starting out in arbitration, or preparing for their first ICC Arbitration, wherever they’re based,” said Mr Derains.
Andrea Carlevaris, Secretary General of the ICC International Court of Arbitration, added: “ICC Arbitration online training is accessible and well-structured – I expect we’ll see it benefiting individuals and companies throughout the international arbitration community.”
In 10 interactive lessons, the course gives a comprehensive review of the arbitration process, from the initial arbitration agreement to the award. It shows how the ICC International Court of Arbitration operates and how the 2012 ICC Rules of Arbitration are applied. The last two lessons focus specifically on the interim and conservatory measures including the emergency arbitrator and costs.
On completing a final 40-question assessment on the ICC Arbitration process, trainees are rewarded with an ICC Certificate of Achievement. The course is also eligible for professional accreditation (eight CLE credits, 6.75 MCLE credits or 6.5 CPD points).
One bonus of the package is free access to the ICC webinar series on the 2012 ICC Rules of Arbitration, which clarifies four of the significant changes introduced in the 2012 ICC Rules of Arbitration: the arbitral tribunal; the case management; the emergency arbitrator and multi-party/multi-contract provisions.
“ICC Arbitration online training” is the latest addition to ICC’s range of e-learning courses, which currently caters Trade Finance and Incoterms®2010 rules and has so far been followed by more than 15,000 people worldwide.
View the online training demo
For more information visit the ICC Arbitration online training
View ICC’s general online training