Climate change
ICC submits views on climate change to United Nations
ICC has stressed commitment to achievable objectives, the role of markets, support for research and development and other views of world business in its submission to the United Nations Framework Convention Climate Change (UNFCCC) on the elements needed to achieve a global, post-2012 UNFCCC framework agreement on climate change.
A binding climate change agreement is expected to be finalized during the UNFCCC meeting in Copenhagen in December 2009.
As highlighted by the UNFCCC Secretariat, business has been responsible for the vast majority of investments and financial flows into climate change. The Bali Action Plan – the two-year process launched at the UNFCCC meeting in Bali in 2007 and aimed at finalizing the agreement at the end of this year – has provided greater clarity for business to better design research and development programmes as well as investment plans.
In its submission to the UN, ICC said that a post-2012 framework under the UNFCCC should seek to maximize and enable the contribution of business and should reflect the following overarching principles:
Commit all countries to achievable mid- and longer-term objectives and policies, taking into account the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities, national priorities and circumstances;
Recognize the important role of markets in any cost-effective response to climate change and enhance market-based approaches in conjunction with other policy instruments for more environmentally sound investment;
Keep all energy options open and stimulate the broader use of existing energy-efficient and low-carbon technologies to enable cost-effective greenhouse gas emissions reductions;
Recognize that concerted, global support for research and development will need to be put in place in order to increase the pace of change for certain technologies;
Address adaptation needs, particularly in vulnerable developing countries, and create frameworks and governance structures to efficiently attract the necessary resources;
Strengthen multilateral trade and investment that will support the economic and technological flows required to implement solutions.
As the business and industry focal point for the UNFCCC negotiations, ICC will continue to bring a wide range of business views to ensure a successful outcome in Copenhagen. ICC will actively participate at the next UNFCCC negotiating session in Bonn, Germany from 30 March – 8 April, by hosting a side event and exhibition, among other activities.