Chamber services

ICC rolls out online training programmes

  • 19 April 2011

Seven widely acclaimed training courses from the ICC Training and Conferences Department (formerly ICC Events)are now available online. The courses cover Incoterms® 2010, documentary credits, standbys, guarantees and collections.

Expert determinations
Another new service, the ICC Dispute Resolution Library (DRL), offers a searchable online library of ICC arbitration awards and articles. Further online training in the Dispute Resolution field will soon be available.  The courses, developed by internationally acknowledged ICC experts, provide flexible, interactive online training to practitioners. Both beginner and advanced level courses are available. Created in cooperation with Coastline Solutions, the courses offer multiple advantages to users. Business professionals worldwide can access them at any time and from any location. Given that all users receive the same consistent ICC training, the courses are suitable for individuals as well as for team training, drawing on a state-of-the-art Integrated Learning Management System that allows managers to keep track of staff progress and results. These interactive packages employ a range of training tools – audio, video, animation, graphics and text. Several of the modules offer case studies and randomly generated multiple choice questions that test trainees’ understanding of the rules. A comprehensive assessment is provided so that users can assess their knowledge of the rules, and trainees receive a personalized ICC certificate. The coursework offers a more dynamic and user-friendly experience than the dry text often found in training manuals. The following ICC courses, databases and libraries are available online: Incoterms® 2010 Online Training A detailed overview of the new Incoterms® 2010 rules, as well as interactive case studies allowing trainees to simulate work scenarios. An assessment module generates randomly selected multiple choice questions testing trainees’ results. Mentor 600 Mentor contains the most comprehensive online training available in documentary credits and UCP 600. It consists of more than 12 hours of online instruction, case studies and an assessment of users’ knowledge of UCP 600 articles. Each trainee receives a personalized ICC certificate on completing the course. DC Master Suitable for advanced training in documentary credits, DC Master provides a series of case studies covering, among others, workability of the terms and conditions in credits and the correct issuance of refusal notices. It also includes areas of practice frequently misunderstood – such as silent confirmation, availability and expiry – and a detailed review of the function and operation of transferable, back-to-back, revolving and reinstatement credits. An assessment module measures trainees’ results. Collections Online Training (URC 522) Three interactive lessons focus on what is a collection, the parties involved and the collection cycle. These are supplemented by three interactive case studies, a comprehensive assessment of user knowledge and an ICC certificate detailing trainee results.   ISP98 Master Containing over 12 hours of training on the International Standby Practices rules, ISP98 Master covers both dependent and independent undertakings, with an article-by-article review of all aspects of the rules, case studies and an advanced assessment covering trainee understanding and application of ISP98. URDG Master  Designed to be a fast track to proficiency in the use of ICC’s new Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees (URDG 758), the course provides an in-depth examination of the rules, interactive case studies derived from real life cases and an assessment module testing the student’s ability to apply the provisions of URDG 758. DC-PRO The most comprehensive store of letter of credit information available, DC-PRO offers online access to all ICC rules; Banking Commission Opinions and DOCDEX Decisions; legal case summaries; DCInsight, ICC’s quarterly newsletter on documentary credits; and fraud alerts, as well as a discussion forum where L/C users can interact with other practitioners on subjects of common concern. Dispute Resolution This searchable library of key ICC dispute resolution publications provides online access to the International Court of Arbitration Bulletin, the latest dossiers of the ICC Institute of World Business Law and a complete multilingual collection of ICC dispute resolution rules. “There is a growing worldwide demand for online interactive training,” said ICC Secretary General Jean-Guy Carrier. “By offering this broad range of online courses, ICC continues its tradition of providing business professionals with the most advanced training tools available.” Courses can be accessed and purchased at ICC Online training