
ICC remembers Colin J. Wall with special award during 2016 Commercial Mediation Competition

  • 8 February 2016

A great absence is felt by many as the International Chamber of Commerce’s (ICC) Mediation Week progresses. Colin J. Wall, a great advocate of the Competition and the practice of mediation in general, passed away last July.

History of the chamber movement

To honour his memory and devoted efforts, the ICC International Centre for ADR has dedicated a special award in his name.

As Co-chair of the Working Group for the problems, Mr Wall was one of the Competition’s best drafters. “It was Colin, who in drafting the guidelines for the authors of the competition problems, was insistent in making sure that they knew that this was not a negotiating competition, but a mediation competition. He was constantly looking for ways by which the students could use the mediator appropriately rather than simply drafting a problem that lead to negotiation without involving the mediator,” said Alan Limbury, who co-wrote and edited the competition problems with Mr Wall for several years.

Pulling from his own and 16 other international mediators’ experiences,  Mr Wall co-edited a book of past Competition problems that was launched during last year’s 10th anniversary event. That is why it comes as no surprise that the award for the Best Preliminary Rounds Competition Problem would be named in his tribute – the “Colin J. Wall Prize.” The award will go to one of the nine members of the Working Group. Each of them has written their own problem of which eight were chosen by the International Centre for ADR to be used by students in their mock mediation sessions.

Students, mediators and judges alike will be able to cast their vote during a cocktail event taking place this evening at the Cercle de l’Union Interalliee.

“Colin was a dedicated professional who worked very hard to further the Competition – not only by being part of the Working Group and drafting problems, but writing hundreds of emails and volunteering endless hours of his time as well,” said Calliope Sudborough, Deputy Manager for the International Centre for ADR. “He ensured that the Competition was always an exceptional, first-class event. If he saw something that affected the integrity of that status, he would immediately make sure that it was improved or changed.”

One thing that made Colin extremely happy was having the opportunity to be surrounded by new and excited young mediators. This is why he loved the Competition so much. Being able to share his knowledge and experience with an eager and excited group was important to him.

“One thing that made Colin extremely happy was having the opportunity to be surrounded by new and excited young mediators. This is why he loved the Competition so much. Being able to share his knowledge and experience with an eager and excited group was important to him,” said Nana Papadogeorgaki, a Greek mediator who had been mentored by Mr Wall since 2011.

Apart from being one of the most respected arbitrators and mediators in the world, Mr. Wall was often described by many as an incredible human being with a “tremendous heart” and a “beaming smile.” Ms Sudborough said, “Colin touched lives. He was completely genuine, full of goodness and vitality, with a general concern for people that went above and beyond. In his career, Colin changed perspectives from bitter conflict to peaceful harmony. It was that cheery optimism that pushed him forward – even at the very end.”

Although he is no longer with us, Mr Wall’s legacy remains at ICC and his spirit will continue to live on. It is now up to those that knew him to not only continue his work in championing a new generation of mediators, but to share his unwavering conviction that happiness and positivity can change the world. He will be thoroughly missed and always remembered.