ICC releases new and improved Guide to Export-Import

  • 15 June 2012

ICC has published a new edition of its acclaimed Guide to Export-Import; an invaluable tool for traders worldwide.

Incoterms® rules

Completely updated, the new version of the guide will help international trade professionals better understand the risks and challenges of cross-border trading, while providing them with a practical handbook to enhance job performance.

The guide gives insight on every step to get goods across borders, from how to effectively negotiate international contracts to options for resolving disputes should they arise. It provides answers to questions such as:

  • How can I properly insure cargo for maximum coverage?
  • How do I correctly use trade documents such as pro forma invoices, purchase orders and bills of lading?
  • What do I need to know about electronic documentation?
  • Which rules apply to letters of credit?
  • What is the difference between international litigation and international commercial arbitration?
  • What can I do to protect my intellectual property?

Written by international business, law and policy expert Guillermo Jimenez, in consultation with leading ICC experts, the ICC Guide to Export Import is both an easy-to-understand introduction to international trade and a detailed handbook for the more-experienced practitioner.

Containing extended analysis of new and revised ICC rules, including Incoterms® 2010, the guide also gives the low-down on issues relating to customs, intellectual property, online documentation and e-commerce.

A concise learning and reference tool, it also provides an introduction to indispensable banking and trade finance tools such as letters of credit, UCP600, bank guarantees and more.

From students to trade professionals, the ICC Guide to Export-Import is a must for everyone involved in international business, helping them to understand and make the most of international markets.

The ICC Guide to Export-Import and other trade tools for international business are available from www.iccbooks.com.

Buy your copy now from the ICC bookstore.