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ICC prepares high-level competition forum in The Hague
ICC is gearing up for this year’s roundtable on Competition and Innovation, which will give participants a unique opportunity to engage directly in dialogue on consumer welfare with business and agencies.
The roundtable, to be held on Saturday 21 May 2011 in The Hague, will focus on innovation as a driver of economic growth and will examine the complex crossroads between competition and innovation policy.
Business and agencies will debate on unilateral conduct enforcement and analyze its impact on consumer welfare.
Among the panellists are senior officials from government agencies around the world, competition experts from the private sector, as well as high-level academics. They include:
Rachel Brandenburger, Special Advisor, International, Antitrust Division, US Department of Justice
- Fernando M. Furlan, Chairman, Competition and Antitrust Council (CADE), Brazil
- Seonghoon Jeon, Non-Standing Commissioner, Korea Fair Trade Commission
- Jaap de Keijzer, Member of the Board, Netherlands Competition Authority (NMa)
- Dhanendra Kumar, Chairman, Commission on Competition of India
- Eduardo Perez Motta, Chairman, Federal Commission on Competition, Mexico
Randolph W. Tritell, Director, Office of International Affairs, US Federal Trade Commission
This is the third roundtable organized by the ICC Commission on Competition in conjunction with the International Competition Network annual conference. The last roundtables were held in Istanbul and Zurich.
Don’t miss out on this chance to engage with key decision makers on anti-trust issues. Sign up now for the roundtable.