ICC launches toolkit for e-business
ICC has launched a new series of booklets - 'ICC tools for e-business' - to coincide with this week's World Summit on the Information Society in Geneva.

The four toolkits aimed at both companies and governments, were drawn up by taskforces from the ICC Commission on E-Business, IT and Telecoms, and cover issues ranging from data protection to B2C and C2C online dispute resolution.
” ‘ICC tools for e-business’ are part of ICC’s commitment to creating an enabling environment for e-business and ensuring that the benefits of the information society are spread around the world” said ICC EBITT Policy Manager, Maria Farrell.
Two of the booklets – ‘Putting it right – Best practices for customer redress in online business’ and ‘Resolving disputes online – Best practices for Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) in B2C and C2C transactions’ are companion guides providing a blueprint for business conduct that should boost online consumers’ confidence.
To guide companies wanting to ‘put it right’, ICC invited e-business experts to spell out what companies selling goods and services online should do to provide fair and rapid customer redress.
They analyzed current business practice to come up with a list of best practices that are relevant both to businesses and to consumers. Businesses are advised on how internal customer redress systems can resolve most customer complaints, while consumers are told what to expect and how best to use these systems.
‘Resolving disputes online’, the companion to ‘Putting it right’, sets out best practices for online dispute resolution for business to consumer (B2C) transactions and also for transactions between consumers (C2C) – for example over an item sold via an online market place.
‘Information security assurance for executives’ is a collaboration between ICC and the Business and Industry Advisory Committee to the OECD (BIAC). Aimed at high-level executives, the business companion takes the ‘2002 OECD information security guidelines’ and applies them to business realities. The hands-on guide includes an information assurance checklist covering issues such as personnel background checks and procedures for the prevention of computer viruses.
The fourth publication, the ICC ‘Privacy toolkit’, is intended for use in discussions with policy makers and governments about data protection law and alternative methods of privacy management.
It contains a set of privacy principles and recommendations for their implementation, and concludes with a list of action items for governments to ensure that their approach to privacy balances economic growth with individual privacy.