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After the 28th session of the UN Committee of Experts on International Cooperation in Tax Matters in March 2024 in New York, ICC, through its Global Taxation Commission and in collaboration with ICC national committees, drafted a submission presenting practical business examples and highlighting the significant concerns that ICC members have regarding the Committee’s proposed Article XX on the taxation of cross-border services.
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Cross-border trade in services has increased significantly over the past 15 years. According to the OECD and WTO, developing economies accounted for about one quarter of the global growth in the export of business services. Exports of telecommunications, computer, and information services worldwide quadrupled between 2005 and 2019, while legal, accounting, consulting, engineering and other business services more than doubled.
The UN Committee of Experts in International Tax Cooperation proposed the addition of a new article to the United Nations Model Tax Convention. As currently drafted, Article XX would combine the existing Articles 5(3)(b), 12A, and 14 into a new provision dealing with the expansion of fees for cross-border business services. Article XX proposes to tax fees for any service regardless of where the service is performed and irrespective of the service itself.
The concerns ICC highlighted in this submission focus on the following aspects:
By presenting real-life examples and business experiences, ICC highlights the practical implications and contextualises the concerns raised above.
We also strongly recommend the UN Committee of Experts in International Tax Cooperation to commission an economic impact assessment of the proposed article that can outline the impact this will have on developing countries.