Model contracts & clauses
ICC Institute to hold International Contracts training in April
The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) will organize a training focusing on the skills of negotiating and drafting a contract of quality on 20-23 April 2015.
Taking place in the heart of Paris at the ICC Hearing Centre, the event will be held under the auspices of the ICC Institute of World Business Law, a prestigious think-thank providing research and training on international business law.
The event will bring together legal directors, practising lawyers, legal practitioners and business professionals involved in international trade and dispute resolution who will have the opportunity to learn how to manage post-contracts and deal with different kinds of conflict resolution.
Mohammed Chemloul, Partner, Chemloul et Associes, Algeria, and Chair of the training, said: “It is essential for any legal and business professional to master the drafting of a high-quality, international contract. This allows to preserve the long-term relationship of parties and avoid common errors that are made when cross-border clauses are drafted in a sloppy manner.
Thanks to the diversity of participants’ cultural backgrounds, trainees will also understand the importance of cultural and legal differences to avoid misunderstandings in an international context.”
It is essential for any legal and business professional to master the drafting of a high-quality, international contract.
Global experts in the field of international business law will share with participants professional advice and insights. Trainees will acquire all skills needed to negotiate and draft a contract, and learn more about strategies and techniques of negotiation.
The event will focus on mastering skills of negotiation and drafting, including sessions on fundamental clauses to add in international contracts and differences between civil law and common law. Trainees will also split into working groups in order to study a mock case.
In parallel to the sessions, a social and cultural programme, including a visit to the Grand Palais and a dinner at the Montparnasse Tower, will take place enabling participants to meet in an informal setting and to build stronger ties during the course of the week.
The training is held in English and French with simultaneous interpretation. Participants can earn up to 24 CLE credits, 21 MCLE credits and 21 CPD and CNB hours.
The ICC Institute of World Business Law is a think-tank that provides research, training and information to the legal profession concerned with the development of international business law. The ICC Institute’s main objectives are to foster wider knowledge and the development of the law and practices of international business, through close cooperation and discussions between practitioners and scholars.
Register now for the ICC Institute Training on International Contracts.
ICC Institute of World Business Law
Save the date: The International Contracts training takes place on 20-23 April 2015 at the ICC Hearing Centre in Paris.