ICC appoints new Digital Economy Vice-Chair
The ICC Commission on the Digital Economy is pleased to announce new Vice-Chair Kaisa Olkkonen, who is also Nokia Corporation’s Vice President of Government Relations, responsible for policy and regulatory work globally.
Ms Olkkonen – who is also a member of the Executive Board of Digital Europe, the Board of ICC Finland and the Board of Finland – China Trade Association – will officially join the Commission on the Digital Economy’s leadership team on 1 October 2013.
“We welcome Ms Olkkonen to her new role at ICC and look forward to benefitting from her vast experience, in particular her knowledge of Internet law and content licensing,” said ICC Secretary General Jean-Guy Carrier.
Ms Olkkonen previously led Nokia´s EU Representative Office in Brussels, being responsible for Nokia´s regulatory work in Europe. She also held several leadership positions in Nokia´s legal and IP branches, and headed a team providing legal support to Nokia´s Internet Services businesses.
“I believe strongly in ICC’s aim to encourage the free flow of information in cross border trade by means of the Internet and ICTs,” Ms Olkkonen said. “ICC is doing some very important work in helping to build an infrastructure for global online trade.”
Ms Olkkonen brings to ICC more than 20 years of professional experience in a broad range of legal matters, including technology law, intellectual property, as well as consumer protection and marketing law.
She has led various multinational teams of lawyers located around the world. In addition to working at the Nokia headquarters in Finland, she spent a period in Singapore heading a regional legal team, as well as in Brussels, where she managed the interest representation team.
As part of her leadership roles, Ms Olkkonen has participated in the business management teams of several Nokia Corporation units, and has been actively involved in the corporation’s regulatory strategy building and lobbying efforts globally.
By drawing upon a cross section of business leaders and experts from 50 ICC member countries, the ICC Commission on the Digital Economy develops policy positions for the Internet and ICTs on behalf of users, providers and operators of information technology.
For more information visit ICC Commisison on Digital growth