ICC appoints new Chair of the Digital Economy Commission
The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) is pleased to announce the appointment of Joseph Alhadeff as the new Chair of the ICC Commission on the Digital Economy.

Having served as Vice-Chair since May 2002, Mr Alhadeff will take over from Herbert Heitmann, Executive Vice-President of External Communications at Royal Dutch Shell, who will be stepping down from the post during the commission’s summer meeting in Paris.
“Over the last seven years, the digital economy has become the most critical driver for economic growth and social and societal development. The Digital Economy Commission of ICC has contributed on a wide range of relevant issues, especially representing the global voice of business in the United Nations linked Internet Governance Forum (IGF),” said Mr Heitmann. “I have had the pleasure and privilege of serving as the Chair of this commission, and am pleased to see Joe Alhadeff succeed me in this role. He has the experience, energy and vision that will be needed to further strengthen ICC’s role and business’ interests in this process.”
Mr Alhadeff is the Chief Privacy Strategist and Vice-President for Global Public Policy at Oracle Corporation, where he is responsible for coordinating and managing Oracle’s international electronic commerce, privacy and Internet-related policy issues.
In addition to his role at Oracle, Mr Alhadeff serves as Vice-Chair of the United States Council for International Business’s (USCIB) Information and Communication Technologies ICT) Policy Committee, where he plays an important leadership role in guiding the committee’s work on privacy and cyber security policy, drawing on his prominent roles in several influential international organizations dedicated to Internet policy, security and privacy. These include the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and his role as the OECD Business and Industry Advisory Committee Chair of the Information Communications and Computing Policy Committee and the OECD Working Party on Information Security and Privacy.
Mr Alhadeff has served in the European Union (EU) as Chair of the Data Protection, Governance and Identity Management working group of the EU Business Expert Group on Cloud Computing, and in the US serves as Chair of the Digital Economy Committee for the US India Business Council, and US Co-Chair of Transatlantic Business Council’s Information Communication Technology working group. He is also on the advisory boards of the Digital Security Council of India.
As Chair, Mr Alhadeff will help the ICC Commission on the Digital Economy provide a forum for members to share insights on timely developments in the ICT field and establish global-consensus policy positions on behalf of the business community to help foster the sustainable growth of the ICT sector.
“The economic growth and continued societal opportunities created by the Internet and other ICTs bring new responsibilities that require the global cooperation of all stakeholders,” said Mr Alhadeff. “We have a responsibility to bring the voice of business to the table, based not only on the experiences of the business community but also on what this community has heard and learned from other stakeholders in government, civil society, and the Internet technical community.”
The ICC Commission on the Digital Economy develops policy positions for the Internet and ICTs on behalf of users, providers and operators of information technology. For more information on the commission’s work visit the ICC Commission on the Digital Economy.