Trade & investment

ICC Academy rolls out new advanced-level documentary credits e-course

  • 18 October 2016

The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Academy, the world business organization's ground-breaking e-learning platform, has unveiled an advanced version of its popular e-course on documentary credits.


Taken independently or as part of the Certified Trade Finance Professional (CTFP) certification, “Advanced Documentary Credits” builds on knowledge gained from the ICC Academy’s entry-level e-course on the same subject.

“This course addresses an instrument of trade financing that has been around for several hundred years at least – documentary credits. It is an instrument that remains important to global trade, facilitating perhaps US$2 trillion per year in commercial activity, and doing so, in some of the most challenging markets in the world,” said Alexander Malaket President of OPUS Advisory Services International.

Documentary credits is an instrument that remains important to global trade, facilitating perhaps $2 trillion per year in commercial activity, and doing so, in some of the most challenging markets in the world.

Mr Malaket, a recognised specialist in international trade and trade finance, was recruited to design the new e-course. His more than 25 years of professional experience will ensure ICC Academy members receive an authentic perspective of the trade instrument and gain real-world expertise that can be put into practice immediately upon completion of the course.

“An understanding of the mechanics, features and characteristics of this tried and tested instrument can be valuable to entrepreneurs; corporate treasury and finance executives; commercial and trade bankers; regulatory authorities; and those in international organisations where trade-based development is an important area of focus,” Mr Malaket said.

An understanding of the mechanics, features and characteristics of this tried and tested instrument can be valuable to entrepreneurs; corporate treasury and finance executives; commercial and trade bankers; regulatory authorities; and those in international organisations where trade-based development is an important area of focus.

Comprising nine modules, the e-course follows a typical translation flow and highlights pragmatic features relating to the use of documentary credits. To help ICC Academy members put theory into practice, the course will conclude with a detailed case study.

To learn more about “Advanced Documentary Credits,” please visit the e-course’s information page.

To discover other programmes, certification and e-courses, visit the ICC Academy website.