Chamber services

Help at hand for government ICT procurementParis

  • 17 December 2004

Any government body needing an integrated information system is faced with a myriad of choices to satisfy its needs. The latest title to be launched in the ICC Tools for E-Business series, Procuring ICTs, equips government decision-makers with a guide to getting the best value for their investment in information and communication technologies (ICTs).

Requested repeatedly by developed and developing countries Procuring ICTs sets forth emerging best practices for building a procurement system in any competitive bidding situation. It outlines a process and a rationale for the conduct of government bids and includes a check list of “lessons learned”, designed to impart previous experiences and boost decision-maker confidence.

Allen Miller, Chairman of the ICC task force on the Internet and IT Services, and Senior Vice President Global Affairs of the Information Technology Association Of America.

“The wheels of government procurement can be lengthy, complex and costly, often to the point of obviating time-sensitive returns on investments. Following the steps in this guide will result in more qualified bidders, reduced acquisition time and cost, increased competition and overall improved service.”

Procuring ICTs is the seventh title to be launched in the ICC series, Tools for E-Business, aimed at disseminating policy models and best practices for the online world.

Other titles available in the series are:

  • Information security assurance for executives,
  • Privacy toolkit : an international business guide for policy makers,
  • Putting it right: Best practices for customer redress in o nline business,
  • Resolving disputes online: Best practices for Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) in B2C and C2C transactions,
  • Securing your business: Information security issues and resources for small and entrepreneurial companies,
  • Telecoms liberalization: An international business guide for policymakers.