Five reasons why ICC engages on data protection

  • 28 January 2017

A day to raise awareness and promote privacy and data protection best practices, international Data Protection Day – or Data Privacy Day – takes place this year on 28 January.


At ICC we know that business expertise and knowledge is vital for data protection. That’s why we make it our business to keep pace with the latest data protection policy developments and present global business views on the unfolding privacy landscape.

Here are 5 reasons why ICC ranks data protection as a key issue for engagement on behalf of businesses worldwide.

1. The privacy landscape is continuously evolving and is not easy to track

Because of our inter-connected world, data protection developments in one region can have a major impact on businesses of all sizes and in all sectors. ICC leverages its global network to share knowledge and gather business insights that help businesses to receive early notification and to navigate important policy developments.

2. With a patchwork of policies, interoperability is needed

As privacy is both subjective and tied to the cultural and legal context of the jurisdiction, harmonisation can be difficult to obtain. To encourage policy interoperability and help simplify administrative procedures for business, ICC engagement facilitates lesson sharing from one jurisdiction to another. It also encourages development of frameworks between regions such as the Asia Pacific and Economic Cooperation (APEC) Cross Border Privacy Rules System.

3. It is a lot to take in for small business owners!

To help small- and medium-sized enterprises grappling with changing and complex regulation and risks, ICC develops self-regulatory and capacity building tools. The ICC Cyber security guide for business is a practical resource to raise awareness of cyber security risks and outlines concrete steps towards mitigating them.

4. Making way for new technologies to further sustainable development and inclusion

There is a growing risk that misconceptions of emerging technologies will limit the potential benefits of technological  innovations for developing economies. Through policy tools such as the ICC policy primer on the Internet of everything and the ICC policy primer on cross border data flows, business explains how policymakers can ensure robust and appropriate data protection while promoting flexible policy approaches that keep up with new technologies and encourage innovation.

And finally,

5. Informed policymaking mitigates risks and advances both consumer and business confidence in the digital economy

Businesses are the innovators and producers of technology and digital infrastructure. This pool of knowledge and expertise is invaluable for policymakers. As a general approach, proactive industry self-regulation and collaboration are effective measures to mitigate risks, preserve innovation and enable sufficient flexibility to respond to new and unforeseen threats. When developing data protection policies, ICC encourages policymakers to consult business to avoid unintended consequences.

More information on the work of the ICC Commission on the Digital Economy can be found here.