Certificates of Origin

Five Benefits of the International CO Online Training

  • 1 April 2015
ICC digital growth

Chambers of commerce issue millions of Certificates of Origin (COs) each year. The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) World Chambers Federation (WCF) is working to make these COs issuance procedures globally consistent.

Its CO online training programme, based on an internationally accepted standard, aims to facilitate international trade and reinforce the central role of chambers in the delivery of COs. Here are five benefits of undertaking the training programme.


The CO online training programme provides a comprehensive learning experience to refresh and reinforce skills and knowledge of COs. From the origin of COs, to the different types of COs available, as well as case studies and best practices, your knowledge will be further deepened and fully updated.


This programme provides options to log in/log out of its chapters. You have three months to complete the course and submit an assessment paper, allowing you to learn at your own pace. As it is online you can get the training anytime and anywhere according to your schedule.


For an international certification programme with over 30 hours of content, the price has been set at €300, ensuring chamber staff around the world can access the programme. There are also group discounts from 10-20%. The training comes with a complimentary copy of the International CO Guidelines, available in six languages.

Step-by-step approach

Whether you are new to issuing COs or have been doing it for years, our step-by-step approach helps you adapt your learning speed and keeps you motivated throughout the programme. The programme consists of four chapters, three quizzes and one final assessment test, with full supporting items such as an extensive glossary, numerous case studies, appendices and a self-study guide. A mentor service is also available upon request to help you navigate your way through the programme and answer any questions not covered in the course material.

Internationally certified by ICC WCF

Our online training programme is based on the ICC World Chambers Federation International CO Guidelines, with a certificate secured upon completion. The certificate is valid for two years and functions as a learning pace-maker, as you’ll need to keep regularly updated on the latest development of CO activities.

Register now for the International CO Online Training.

Learn more about Certificates of Origin.

Learn more about the ICC World Chambers Federation.

Follow WCF and COs on Twitter @WorldChambers #CertificatesofOrigin

Learn more about ICC trade facilitation resources.