Ethics and compliance training book responds to global need

  • 9 December 2013

The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has released a new Ethics and Compliance Training Handbook. This invaluable reference tool offers practical solutions for business to attack corruption at its source.

Arbitration rules
The handbook will be particularly useful for professionals working in compliance in both small structures and large organizations
The handbook will be particularly useful for professionals working in compliance in both small structures and large organizations

The global business community, as represented by the B20, has identified the need to develop training materials and provide concrete practical training on anti-corruption compliance. The new Ethics and Compliance Training Handbook is a direct response to this call.

This Training Handbook will serve as the cornerstone of a global training programme, which ICC will develop and deliver jointly with its network of national committees and chambers of commerce around the world.

Each chapter has been conceived as a training session module on a key compliance topic. Among the 17 subject areas covered are risk assessment, training and education, whistleblowing, internal investigations, resisting solicitation, joint ventures, and the ICC anti-corruption clause.

Through this Handbook and the training sessions based on its successive chapters, the compliance officers of today and tomorrow will benefit from the hands-on expertise of some of their distinguished fellow practitioners in the field of corporate integrity and compliance.

“It is our hope that the compliance officers who will enroll in this ICC training programme will in turn train their colleagues and successors, and thus contribute to fostering a culture of integrity across today’s global markets,” said Viviane Schiavi, Senior Policy Manager for Corporate Responsibility and Anti-corruption Commission.

Each of the contributing authors are either past or present compliance officers from a leading ICC-member companies, many of who are also long-serving members of the ICC Commission on Corporate Responsibility and Anti-corruption.

Francois Vincke, Vice-Chairman of the ICC Commission on Corporate Responsibility and Anti-Corruption, said, “ICC’s Handbook is distinctive because this is a training tool written by company practitioners, for company practitioners.” “As such, the handbook is the only guide on the market to have been written by actual compliance practitioners from global companies,” he added.

The handbook will be particularly useful for professionals working in compliance in both small structures and large organizations, in OECD countries as well as emerging countries.

As the largest international business network, bringing together millions of companies worldwide, ICC takes a leading role in advocating high standards of corporate governance based on ethical business practices. In 1977, ICC became the first international organization to issue a set of Rules and Recommendations prohibiting all forms of bribery in business transactions.

Learn more about or purchase a copy of the Ethics and Compliance Training Handbook