Date announced for new ICC Mediation Rules global launch event
On 4 December 2013, ICC will organize a half-day international conference in Paris to mark the worldwide launch of its new ICC Mediation Rules.
The new Mediation Rules have been drafted by an international taskforce of mediation and dispute resolution specialists from 29 countries worldwide. The taskforce took into account ICC, users, mediators and counsel experience in conducting domestic and international commercial mediations around the world. The ICC Mediation Rules will replace the current ICC ADR Rules and will enter into force as of 1 January 2014.
The half-day conference will take place at the Hotel de Talleyrand in central Paris and will give participants the opportunity to directly exchange with members of the taskforce and experienced users of international commercial mediation. Company representatives will demonstrate the added value of mediation for companies today and some of the world’s leading mediators will comment on current mediation practices and trends.
Full programme details and registration information will be available on the ICC website in September.
Seating for the conference is limited and is expected to sell out quickly, therefore pre-registration is strongly advised. You may pre-register for the conference by sending an e-mail to
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