
CLA 2014 to be co-organized by ICC

  • 6 May 2014

The ICC International Court of Arbitration (ICC Court) is co-organizing the 6th edition of the Conferencia Latinoamericana de Arbitraje (CLA), which will take place in Punta Cana (Dominican Republic) on 29-30 May 2014.

ICC Management

José Ricardo Feris, Deputy Secretary General of the ICC International Court of Arbitration will be co-directing this edition of the conference jointly with Diego Fernández-Arroyo and José Moreno.

The CLA is a must-attend conference in Latin America where renowned practitioners will address theorical and practical issues such as:

  • legitimacy in commercial and investment arbitration;
  • arbitrability and “contractualization” of national rights;
  • parallel proceedings, “litispendence” and res judicata in international arbitration.

Outgoing ICCA President Jan Paulsson will deliver the opening keynote address :“Who are the enemies of international arbitration”. Yves Derains, Chair of the ICC Institute of World Business Law will close the conference discussing the topic “The participation of States in commercial arbitration”. The program will feature speakers from 16 nationalities including IBA Arbitration Committee Co-ChairEduardo Zuleta and ICC Court Vice-President Jose Emilio Nunes Pinto.

To kick start the conference on 28 May 2014, the ICC Court will hold a workshop on case management covering the following topics:

  • A general introduction to case management techniques
  • Preparation of the case management conference
  • The drafting of the first procedural order
  • Management of procedural incidents
  • Preparation and conduct of the hearing

For more information on the conference visit: VI Latin-American Conference – CLA 2014