Trade & investment
Business urges multistakeholder participation in WSIS and its outcomes
Emphasizing the vast multi-billion dollar investment of business in creating and developing the Internet, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) today expressed disquiet at the failure of the preparatory conference that ended in Geneva last Friday to fully involve business in preparations for the final part of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) in Tunis on 16-18 November.
ICC’s Ayesha Hassan, who manages the Coordinating Committee of Business Interlocutors, (CCBI) and was at the preparatory conference, said: “Business and all other stakeholders have a critical role in Internet governance and therefore in meeting the objectives of WSIS. The summit surely has to be a multistakeholder process and ensure the full and effective participation of all stakeholders in the outcomes, if it is to succeed in setting a sure course for the information society.”
Business also urged for a greater focus on capacity building, education, and training as well as commitment to create an enabling environment for investment, innovation and entrepreneurship. These fundamental building blocks of the information society will help to ensure the meaningful participation of all stakeholders from around the world in global policy development on Information and Communuication Technologies (ICTs) and Internet related issues.
Ms Hassan added: “Multistakeholder partipation in developing the Internet is more than just a political and moral commitment, it is an acknowledgment of the genius of people around the world from every stakeholder group, who have driven the Internet’s growth.”
The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) is the world business organization, with members in more than 130 countries.