Business role is key to Internet development
The fundamental role of business in the continuing development of the Internet was the topic of Peter Eduardo Siemsen’s speech last week at the closing of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF), which took place in Rio de Janeiro.
The speech was given on behalf of ICC, which maintained a highly active and visible business presence at the IGF through its initiative Business Action to Support the Information Society (BASIS).
“ Nurturing this role at national, regional and international levels is essential to our common objectives of bringing the benefits of the Internet and the information society to a global audience,” said Mr Siemsen. “We are pleased to see an increase in business participation at this year’s IGF, which reflects our commitment to multi-stakeholder dialogue.”
The IGF was established in 2006 by the UN Secretary-General to discuss issues of crucial importance to the global development of the Internet. This year’s event was attended by over 1 700 delegates and focused on a wide range of issues including security, critical Internet resources and access.
The next IGF will convene in New Delhi in December 2008.