Climate change
Business presents strong, united front in official statement to UNFCCC
The business community continued to present a strong and united front today at the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change meeting in an official statement delivered to the plenary session.
The statement called for future action on mitigation, adaptation, finance and technology to include market-based approaches as well as flexible and voluntary ones and to engage capital markets. It also called for such action to:
• Commit all countries to mid and longer term objectives and national policies for the successful attainment of UNFCCC objectives;
• Build on good practices and effective implementation of climate policies in different countries and regions;
• Address adaptation needs, particularly in vulnerable developing countries, and create frameworks and governance structures to efficiently attract the necessary resources;
• Keep all energy options open;
• Stimulate the broader use of existing energy efficient and low carbon technologies;
• Support and collaborate on research, development and deployment of innovative low carbon technologies in all sectors;
• Facilitate technology cooperation between companies and sectors;
• Stimulate the continued development of an international carbon market, in those countries and regions that choose to utilize this option, and promote linkages between carbon markets
• Respond to the challenges of deforestation by supporting sustainable forest management as a major strategy to reducing greenhouse gases
• Address sustainability of lifestyles and patterns of production.
The statement was delivered by Airlangga Hartarto from the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN) on behalf of global and local business and industry. KADIN is a member of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), which drafted the business statement with input from other representatives of the business community.
Mr Hartarto told the plenary: “We are a diverse group with companies of all sizes and sectors from all over the world. While we may hold a wide variety of opinions, we are united in a strong common desire and ability to be part of an immediate contribution to identifying and deploying effective solutions to climate change.”
Last Monday, the business community organized TRI HITA KARANA – Bali Global Business Day, which sent a powerful message that business wanted a successful completion of a new global climate change framework beyond 2012.
Organized by the International Chamber of Commerce and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, Bali Global Business Day brought together approximately 350 leaders from companies, governments, inter-governmental and non-governmental organizations to review the issues at stake during the UN Climate Change Conference and to suggest ways forward.
“Businesses have already made major changes in the way they operate, introducing new processes, products and services that help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. And while business recognizes the challenges, we also see opportunities for progress and for new markets in the move to cleaner energy, development and deployment of low carbon technologies in all sectors, and greener lifestyles,” said Laurent Corbier, Chair, ICC Commission on Environment and Energy and Vice-President of Sustainable Development and Continuous Improvement at Areva.
Discussions are already taking place with the Polish government for a business event at next year’s UN Climate Change Conference. The event will demonstrate how business is implementing a low carbon economy.
ICC has maintained a highly visible and active presence at the UN Climate Change Conference in Bali with a delegation of some 60 business people and four events. In addition to the Global Business Day, ICC hosted three side events this week: “Bridging the gap in climate change technology,” “Sectoral approaches to climate change,” and “Long-term approaches to climate change.”