Climate change
Business leaders exchange views on climate change agreement
ICC yesterday hosted a side event during the UN climate change conference in Poznan where business leaders expressed their opinions on what is needed in a post-2012 framework agreement on climate change, in order to accelerate investment in clean technologies.
Views expressed by the panelists included the following:
“Participating countries must agree on measures which result in an equivalent burden for industries exposed to international competition.”
− Nick Campbell, Chair Climate Change Working Group, Business Europe.
“Brazilian business has seen climate change as economic opportunity for economic growth on a sustainable development basis.”
− Daniela Stump, Coordinator of Environmental Law Department, Pinheiro Pedro Advogados, ICC Brazil.
“We face two huge human challenges – meeting significant increase in energy demand and responding to GHG risks. Accelerated development and deployment of advanced technology will be essential to meet aspirations and manage risks at affordable costs.”
− Brian Flannery, Science, Strategy and Programs Manager in the Safety, Health and Environment Department of Exxon Mobil Corporation and Vice-Chair of ICC’s Commission on Environment and Energy.
“Sectoral approaches need to include all major economies.”
− Yoshito Izumi, General Manager of Corporate Social Responsibility for Taiheiyo Cement.
“It is important to strengthen the Clean Development Mechanism.”
− Rita Roy Choudhury, Joint Director & Head Environment and Climate Change, Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce.
“Business needs clarity.”
− Laurent Corbier, Chair of the ICC Commission on Energy and Environment, and moderator of the discussion.
The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change meeting in Poznan is midway between the 14th Conference of the Parties (COP 14) in Bali last year, where a roadmap was developed to negotiate a new global framework agreement, and COP15 in Copenhagen, where an agreement is expected to be reached next year.
Among the recommendations for the Bali action plan, business advises the agreement should commit all countries to mid and long-term objectives, provide appropriate monitoring and verification of green markets, stimulate research and development to hasten the development of clean technologies, and provide the right frameworks for technology development, including protecting intellectual property rights, and increasing international and cooperative research and development.
In parallel to the side event, ICC distributed a policy statement in Poznan outlining what business requires to continue providing the overwhelming share of the investment, innovation, and development of clean technologies.