Business around the world united against corruption
Today, the world observes the United Nations Anti-Corruption Day under the theme “United against corruption for development, peace and security”. International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) National Committees, national bodies comprising leading companies and business associations, join the global campaign focusing on corruption as one of the biggest impediments to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
On 12 December in Tirana, ICC Albania with the support of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands holds a forum with the private sector on ” Corporate Integrity-Just say YES! ”.
On 12 December in Buenos Aires, ICC Argentina and the Argentine Chamber of Commerce hold a seminar on ” Corruption and its Impact on the Economy and Businesses “.
You can watch the seminar live on the Argentine Chamber of Commerce website .
The Belgian National Contact Point for the OECD Guidelines invited ICC Belgium to draft a guide to help Belgian enterprises comply with the OECD anti-corruption rules. The guide is launched today in Brussels, during a conference with the Belgian Minister of Economy and the Belgian Minister of Justice.
On 7 December in Zagreb, ICC Croatia organised a public-private dialogue entitled ” Strengthening Integrity of the Croatian Companies in Anti- corruption: Challenges and Opportunities ” with the Croatian Chamber of Economy and the Embassy of the Kingdom of Norway.
Today in Berlin, ICC Germany is organising a conference entitled ” Compliance in the company: From Employee Training to the Supply Chain ” in partnership with the German Alliance for Integrity and the German Global Compact Network, covering issues such as anti-corruption measures within companies, supply chain compliance, compliance culture and education.
ICC Guatemala in collaboration with the Guatemala Industry Chamber are running a social media campaign called ” No soy indiferente ” (“I am not indifferent”) to show business commitment to fighting corruption.
ICC Iran will support Tehran chamber of commerce’s UN Anti-Corruption Day event taking place in Iran on Monday 12 December. 400 guests including high officials of the country are invited to prepare an assessment of private sector companies within a system based on corporate governance and anti-corruption.
On 4 October, ICC Malaysia and the Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers organized a seminar on “Business Integrity: Key to Sustainability “.
Today in Mexico City, ICC Mexico is organizing the conference ” United Against Corruption ” in partnership with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), the Pan-American University (UP), the Pan-American Institute of Top Business Management (IPADE) and the Executive Council of Global Enterprises.
The Netherlands
On 1-9 December, ICC Netherlands is organizing a full “
Week of Integrity ” with over 30 partners, involving media outreach activities and a conference in The Hague on December 9.
Last week, on 28 November in Lisbon, ICC Portugal’s corporate responsibility and anti-corruption commission held a conference on “Transparency and Corporate Governance “.
On 14 December in Barcelona, ICC Spain holds a session entitled ” Introduction to Compliance: Prevention of Corruption in SMEs “.
On 25 January 2017, ICC Sweden will be launching the Swedish translation of the “ICC Anti-Corruption Third Party Due Diligence for SMEs”, with the participation of Parul Sharma, Chairman of the Delegation for Sweden’s implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda.
ICC’s work on Corporate Responsibility and Anti-corruption
ICC has been a pioneer in the business fight against corruption, issuing in 1977 its first version of the ICC Rules of Conduct to combat Extortion and Bribery. Since then, ICC’s leadership on Corporate Responsibility and Anti-Corruption has included developing a robust suite of business ethics tools.
This year, ICC took part in the B20 Anti-corruption forum and the London anti-corruption summit to define key anti-corruption priorities for policy makers and the global business community.
ICC Publications
The ICC Ethics and Compliance Training Handbook sets out the challenges which large, medium-sized and small companies have to overcome as they build and put into action their corporate compliance programme.
The Anti-corruption Clause is a tool which will preserve trust between parties, deter corruption in the negotiation and performance of a contract, and preserve the sanctity of contracts.