
Bulletin chapters newly available for download in electronic format

  • 3 December 2014

A new offer from the ICC Store will be of interest to anyone wanting to purchase an article or awards published in the renowned ICC International Court of Arbitration Bulletin rather than a complete issue.

ICC Court

An essential resource for practitioners and scholars in the field of arbitration, these e-chapters are now available for immediate download.

Eight e-chapters from the two most recent issues of the Bulletin are already available for purchase via ICC Knowledge 2 GO. They include:

• an analysis of ICC’s first 10 emergency arbitrator cases

• extracts from ICC arbitral awards on the interpretation of contracts

• extracts from ICC arbitral awards dealing with issues of corruption

• articles on anti-corruption initiatives and approaches to tackling corruption in arbitration

• 2013 statistical report on ICC dispute resolution.

Welcoming this new development, Andrea Carlevaris, Secretary General of the ICC International Court of Arbitration and Director of ICC Dispute Resolution Services, described the new offer as a response to changing reading habits and customer demand. He said: “ICC has a growing clientele of young practitioners and students who are looking for instant access to electronic documents on specific subjects at a price they can afford. This new offer will cater to their needs.”

Since its creation in 1923, the International Court of Arbitration has worked to increase knowledge and understanding of arbitration. The Court’s Bulletin has contributed significantly to achieving this goal. Initially published in print only, it became available online in 2008 as part of the ICC Dispute Resolution Library, a vast resource of essential ICC publications and documents. The publication of e-chapters, intended for a mobile and increasingly paperless public, is a further step in adapting its services. E-chapters from all future issues of the Bulletin will be available at ICC Knowledge 2 GO one month after the publication of the print edition.

Visit the ICC Knowledge 2 GO for more information on the e-chapters currently on sale. Prices range from €12 to €39.

Visit ICC International Court of Arbitration.

Visit ICC Dispute Resolution Library.