Institute Prize

Applications now open for prestigious ICC Institute Prize

  • 24 October 2016

The International Chamber of Commerce's (ICC) Institute of World Business Law is pleased to announce the launch of the sixth edition of the ICC Institute Prize. This biennial award recognises outstanding legal writing and contributions to international commercial law, including arbitration.


Offering a prize of €10,000, the ICC Institute Prize aims to contribute towards the understanding and progress of international commercial law and encourages focused research on legal issues affecting international business.

Ercument Erdem, Chairman of the Jury said: “The ICC Institute firmly believes in strengthening the connection between the academic and legal worlds. Through this award, we can stimulate new discussions and help advance the development of international commercial law.”

Through this award, we can stimulate new discussions and help advance the development of international commercial law.

The Prize receives global interest with entries from all over the world, covering a broad range of legal issues. Previous entries have considered arbitration confronted with parallel proceedings; arbitration and sport; state responsibility for breaches of investment contracts and other topics.

The Prize is open to anyone aged 40 years of age or under. All works competing for the Prize should be a minimum of 150 pages in length, unpublished and completed less than two years prior to the date of submission. To be considered, submitted works must be in either English or French.

Yves Derains, Chairman of the ICC Institute of World Business Law said: “We are delighted to see young academics taking interest in the field of international commercial law. The value of their work is extremely important because it gives voice and offers solutions to the legal challenges that today’s businesses face.”

We are delighted to see young academics taking interest in the field of international commercial law. The value of their work is extremely important because it gives voice and offers solutions to the legal challenges that today’s businesses face.

The 2015 edition saw 17 entries, representing 11 countries and for the first time named two winners. One of them, Cecile Pellegrini, said: “Having won the 2015 prize is an immense honour. It will allow me to make my work known and then maybe to assure the promotion of the voluntary depecage technique in international contracts. It must be better known by academics and practitioners.” Ms Pellegrini’s thesis was entitled “Droits Applicables au Contrat International – Etude theorique etpratique du depecage volontaire,” or Applicable Rights in International Contracts: Theoretical and practical study of voluntary depecage.

Those wishing to make their innovative ideas known to an international audience can submit works until 7 April 2017 by downloading the ICC Institute Prize application form.

Winners will be announced on the occasion of the ICC Institute Annual Meeting, which will take place on 30 November 2017 in Paris.

Visit the ICC Institute Prize page to learn more about the rules and how to participate. For queries, please contact the Training and Conferences team. For our sponsorship opportunities, contact Sandra Sanchez-Nery.