
All set for new ICC dispute resolution rules world launch

  • 9 December 2014

The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the world business organization, is set to launch its new 2015 ICC Expert Rules in January, with international events in three of the world’s major dispute resolution hubs.

DOCDEX expert

Entering into force on 1 February 2015, the Rules will be available in English, Spanish and French, helping to solve cross-border commercial disputes worldwide.

The 2015 ICC Rules set out new parameters for ICC expert services, clarifying how parties can use experts and neutrals to help resolve their cross-border disputes at each step of the way. They will be administered by the ICC International Centre for ADR.

Christopher Newmark, Chair of the ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR, said: “The new set of rules clarifies the broad range of expert services the Centre offers with a view to supporting companies and states all around the world to efficiently resolve their complex commercial disputes.

“The ICC Expert Rules complement the other ICC dispute resolution rules and are state of the art in international commercial dispute resolution. The rules also now clarify that they can be used when parties need support in identifying suitable neutrals – for example mediators, conciliators or dispute board members – and wish to use ICC’s unique international network.”

Drawing on ICC’s 40-year experience in cross-border dispute resolution, and with specialist input from its membership in over 90 countries, the ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR will replace the current ICC Rules for Expertise with three new sets of rules. Each covers a distinct area of ICC’s dispute resolution services: the Proposal of Experts and Neutrals, the Appointment of Experts and Neutrals, and the Administration of Expertise Proceedings.

International business has turned to ICC for many years to identify the most suitable experts for the resolution of technical, financial or legal issues – and will certainly continue to do so under the new sets of rules.

The services provided by the ICC International Centre for ADR under these three revised sets of rules form an integral part of ICC’s suite of dispute resolution services, supporting businesses in sectors as varied as finance, construction, energy, telecommunication and transport among many others. The new rules provide different ways to access the services of the right expert or neutral and can be used independently or in conjunction with other procedures such as ICC Arbitration.

Peter Wolrich, Head of the Taskforce for the Revision of the Expert Rules said: “International business has turned to ICC for many years to identify the most suitable experts for the resolution of technical, financial or legal issues – and will certainly continue to do so under the new sets of rules.”

“Arbitrators acting under the ICC Rules of Arbitration can continue to benefit from the Proposal Rules by requesting the Centre to provide, for free, the name of a qualified expert who can then be chosen as a tribunal appointed expert,” added Mr Wolrich, referring to the exclusive service offered by the Centre for arbitrations administered by the ICC International Court of Arbitration.

James Nicholson, Chair of the ICC International Centre for Expertise Standing Committee said: “Under these revised rules the ICC International Centre for Expertise will continue its excellent work in helping parties, and arbitrators, engage the services of independent experts to help them with their negotiations and/or dispute resolution. A key part of the Centre’s value-added services in this regard is identifying experts with very specific technical, financial, or legal skills, in an impartial way and using the very extensive global network of the Centre itself, ICC – including its national committees, and the Centre’s Standing Committee.”

ICC Rules World Launch Events in Dubai, London, New York

Events launching the 2015 ICC Expert Rules are planned in Dubai on 14 January, London on 21 January, and New York on 27 January. Gathering some of the world’s most renowned dispute resolution professionals, they will benefit anyone wanting to learn about ICC expert services, from corporate counsel and company managers, to arbitrators, mediators, dispute resolution specialists, lawyers and judges.

Each world launch will feature:

  • an introduction to the nature, purpose and operation of the new Rules;
  • insight into how ICC sources experts and neutrals for commercial dispute resolution proceedings;
  • exchanges with the people who developed the Rules and administer ICC expert services;
  • information on how ICC can help to ensure expert proceedings are time- and cost-effective;
  • guidance on using experts in conjunction with arbitration and other ADR mechanisms;
  • advice on using ICC’s new model clauses relating to experts.

The 2015 ICC Expert Rules World Launch will be brought to dispute resolution hubs on three continents thanks to the generous support of Al Tamimi & Co in Dubai, FTI Consulting in London, and Gibson Dunn in New York. Full event programmes will be available shortly. Pre-registration is possible as from today by emailing

Follow the launches of the Expert Rules @ICCMediation #ICCexpertise

Download a copy of the new 2015 ICC Expert Rules.


ICC International Centre for ADR