5 ways we are mobilising business participation at IGF 2017
ICC’s Business Action to Support the Information Society (BASIS) is heading to Geneva to mobilise business participation at the 2017 Internet Governance Forum. Taking place from 18-21 December at United Nations Headquarters in Geneva, the 12th edition of the annual forum will take place under the theme Shape Your Digital Future!
As the world business organization we are set to demonstrate the value of business engagement in policy discussions and to ensure that governance of the Internet remains open, secure, stable and inclusive.
Here are just five ways we will be contributing to the discussions.
- Business briefings
Open to all business delegates, our informative briefings help business delegates make the most of their time at the event whether they are a BASIS member or not. Connecting, pooling resources and sharing insights in this way helps business delegates stay informed on discussions they may have been unable to attend in person.
The business briefings will take place on IGF Days 1-4 in Room XXVII E, at the following times:
- 18 December (IGF Day 1) at 13:30-14:30
- 20-21 December (IGF Day 3-4) at 08:00-08:50
- Pre-event on ICTs for sustainable development
How does the Information and communication technology (ICT) ecosystem work? And how can business and other stakeholders contribute to policy-making efforts to leverage ICTs for sustainable economic development?
Join us at our ICC BASIS pre-event for a dynamic business-government discussion based on ICC’s policy paper on ICT, Policy and Sustainable Economic Development which examines the efforts needed to ensure an enabling policy environment for investment and the digital economy.
The event takes place at 11:30-13:00 on Sunday, 17 December at the CICG.
Learn more about the event here.
- Tackling gender divides
The complex relationship between ICT and women’s economic empowerment will be the focus of a dedicated workshop co-organized by ICC BASIS, the Self Employed Women’s Association (India) and the African Union / NEPAD.
The workshop will illustrate how different stakeholders contribute to supporting the economic empowerment of women through ICT, survey opportunities and address challenges faced in developed and developing countries.
To take part in the discussion come along to Room XXI-E on Monday, 18 December from 09:00–10:30.
- Bridging digital divides through cybersecurity capacity building
We’re not relying on a crystal ball to see what the digital future holds! Instead, ICC BASIS is joining forces with the Organization of American States and the Oxford Martin School Global Cybersecurity Capacity Centre to host a workshop that will consider opportunities for scaling up efforts and leveraging learnings to address implementation challenges in cybersecurity capacity building – an essential dimension for bridging digital divides.
Bringing together cybersecurity experts from a range of stakeholder groups, discussions will raise awareness of on-going multistakeholder partnerships in cybersecurity capacity building efforts globally. To take part, join us on Tuesday, 19 December from 11:50-13:20 in Room IX-A.
- Facilitating the conversation via social media
If you can’t be in Geneva for the 2017 IGF don’t forget that you can follow our activities via our dedicated social media accounts on Twitter @ICCnetgov or join the conversation using #IGF2017.