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As countries continue to gradually open their economies, the immediate consequences of COVID-19 are becoming clear. We’re witnessing record unemployment rates, a continual drop in economic output, and steep declines in global trade. In many parts of the world, schools remain closed and store fronts are shuttered.
Policymakers, business leaders, and individuals everywhere are asking the same question: what can we do to recover from this historic pandemic?
Angel Gurría, the Secretary General of the OECD, joins us to discuss what steps policymakers can take to respond to the economic and social consequences of COVID-19.
Learn more about ICC’s
campaign to Save Our SMEs and the OECD’s
policy responses to COVID-19.
Check out all of the episodes of Trading Thoughts:
EPISODE 5: Trading Thoughts with the Global Alliance for Trade Facilitation

María Gabriela Díaz, Project Manager, Global Alliance for Trade Facilitation and
Amgad Shehata, Senior Vice President of International Public Affairs and Strategy, UPS, and a member of the Alliance’s steering group,
discuss how the Global Alliance for Trade Facilitation is tapping into the skills, expertise, and resources of business, to advance development solutions for all.
EPISODE 4: Trading Thoughts with Mary Robinson, the former President of Ireland
Mary Robinson, the former President of Ireland, United Nations (UN) High Commissioner for Human Rights, and Chair of the Elders,
explains how COVID-19 is impacting small businesses and why the world needs to confront climate change with COVID-19 urgency.
EPISODE 3: Trading Thoughts with Dorothy Tembo, Acting Executive Director for the International Trade Centre
Dorothy Tembo, the Acting Executive Director of the International Trade Centre,
explains how COVID-19 is impacting small and medium sized businesses in developing economies and what steps governments can take to assist them.
EPISODE 2: Trading Thoughts with John WH Denton AO, ICC Secretary General, and Quin Carthane, ICC Chief of Staff

Businesses and governments are introducing new measures to combat the spread of COVID-19. Offices are transitioning to virtual workspaces, governments are closing borders, hospitals are overburdened, and medical supplies are under threat.
John W.H. Denton AO, ICC Secretary General, and
Quin Carthane, ICC Chief of Staff,
discuss what steps ICC is taking to respond to the COVID-19 outbreak and provide businesses, governments, and citizens with hope during these challenging times.
EPISODE 1: Trading Thoughts with Gabriel Petrus, Deputy Director, ICC Membership & Services

Chambers of Commerce provide local businesses with essential services to grow, develop, and prosper. From enhancing local economic development to stregthening links between markets, chambers of commerce sit at the heart of ICC’s mission and purpose.
Gabriel Petrus, Deputy Director, ICC Membership & Services,
discusses what steps ICC is taking to stregthen the role of chambers of commerce in the 21st century.