A new era for the ICC Dispute Resolution Bulletin
The ICC Dispute Resolution Bulletin, the unique journal of the ICC International Court of Arbitration and the ICC International Centre for ADR, has undergone a major transformation assuring its role as a leading voice in the democratisation of international dispute resolution.
Alexis Mourre, President of the ICC International Court of Arbitration and initiator of the changes, said: “Featuring unique material unavailable elsewhere, the Bulletin has been a constant companion for the arbitration community for over 25 years. Now, with focus on ICC awards, procedural decisions and in-house commentaries, the revamped Bulletin will bring the institution even closer to its users, and vice versa.”
Formerly published twice per year, the new ICC Dispute Resolution Bulletin will be published four times a year.
The new ICC Dispute Resolution Bulletin will be published in digital format only. In addition to being available for purchase from the ICC Knowledge 2 GO, it will be offered free to all members of ICC National Committees and direct members of ICC. This change alone will increase its readership to many thousands of individuals, law firms and companies throughout the world.
Dyalá Jiménez of DJ Arbitraje (Costa Rica) and Julien Fouret of law firm Betto Seraglini (France) have been appointed as Editors-in-Chief to the bulletin, which was created 27 years ago by the late Alain Plantey, a distinguished French lawyer and former president of the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences.
Since mid-2016 the co-editors-in-chief have been preparing the change, working alongside ICC’s Virginia Hamilton, who has managed the publication for the last 17 years.
“We are delighted to have Dyalá and Julien on board,” said Mr Mourre. “As former members of the ICC Secretariat and accomplished practitioners, I have no doubt that their collective experience will greatly benefit the Bulletin and its readers.”
Ms Jiménez and Mr Fouret are assisted in their role by an 18-member Board of Editors. They are:
- Cecilia Azar, DLA Piper (Mexico)
- Frédéric Bachand, McGill University (Canada)
- Chiann Bao, Skadden Arps (Hong Kong)
- Domitille Baizeau, Lalive (Switzerland)
- Utku Cosar, Cosar Law Firm (Turkey)
- Valeria Galindez, Uria Menendez (Brazil)
- Rémy Gerbay, Enyo Law, Queen Mary University (UK)
- Samaa Haridi, Hogan Lovells (US)
- Daniel Kalderimis, Chapman Tripp (NZ)
- Tejas Karia, Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas (India)
- Swee Yen Koh, Wong Partnership (Singapore)
- Yasmine Lahlou, Chaffetz Lindsey, (US)
- Reza Mohtashami, Freshfields (UK)
- Ziad Obeid, Obeid Law Firm (Lebanon)
- Ucheora Onwuamaegbu, Arent Fox (Nigeria)
- Dámaso Riaño, Arias SLP (Spain)
- Galina Zukova, Belot Malan (France)
- Alberto Zuleta, Cárdenas & Cárdenas (Colombia)
The new Bulletin will be divided into six main sections as follows:
Comprising in-depth studies on specific topics
Case decisions
Including excerpts from ICC arbitral awards and procedural orders
Global developments
Reporting on recent decisions and law reforms relating to arbitration in various jurisdictions
ICC activities
Bringing news on the ICC Court and Secretariat and local events in member countries
Book reviews
ICC practices and procedures
Consisting of articles elucidating ICC dispute resolution processes