ICC announces recommendation for ICC Court President successor
ICC is pleased to announce that Claudia T. Salomon has been recommended for election as President of the ICC International Court of Arbitration with effect from 1 July 2021 putting her on a path to becoming the first woman President of the ICC Court in its almost 100-year history.
A member of the New York Bar and a solicitor in England and Wales, Ms Salomon is a Vice-President of the ICC Court and a partner in the New York office of Latham & Watkins where she is Global Co-Chair of the firm’s international arbitration practice. Ms Salomon is an experienced and accomplished counsel and arbitrator in both ad hoc arbitrations and cases conducted under institutional rules – including those of ICC. Ms Salomon has also been active in professional initiatives and pro bono work on inclusion and diversity throughout her career. Her longstanding links with ICC also include serving as Co-chair of the ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR Taskforce on Financial Institutions and International Arbitration.
Ms Salomon said: “It is a true honour and privilege to have been selected to succeed Alexis Mourre. I want to thank the Selection Committee for their trust. I look forward to building on Alexis’ success to assure that the ICC Court remains the most preferred arbitral institution worldwide.”
Current President of the ICC Court Alexis Mourre will step down as President when his second term concludes on 30 June 2021. The ICC Executive Board launched a process in March 2020 to secure Mr Mourre’s successor establishing a Selection Committee comprising eminent arbitration practitioners from a diverse range of jurisdictions and members of ICC’s governing bodies. The Selection Committee’s Terms of Reference and full membership were published on the ICC website in line with ICC commitments to ensure a transparent and independent process.
ICC Secretary General John W.H. Denton said: “I have no doubt that in naming Claudia, the Selection Committee has put forward the best candidate to lead the ICC Court into its next century as the leading provider of trusted and neutral dispute resolution services that provide greater recourse to justice and enable greater peace and prosperity worldwide.”
Pre-selected candidates were invited to interview in October, with the recommendation of Ms Salomon as ICC Court President now pending endorsement by the ICC Executive Board during their meeting on 2 December 2020. ICC Executive Board endorsement is required prior to formal election by the ICC World Council in June 2021. Ms Salomon will step down as partner of Latham and Watkins ahead of the World Council election.
ICC Court President Alexis Mourre said: “Claudia is an outstanding practitioner of universal reputation, and it has been a true pleasure and a great privilege working with her as Vice-President of the Court since July 2018. With her expertise, experience, and unique leadership, she will bring the Court to a new level and further strengthen its position as the best and most preferred arbitral institution in all regions of the world.”