Incoterms® rules

COVID-19: 7 resources to help small business

  • 15 June 2020

ICC is committed to helping small businesses impacted by COVID‑19. We’re highlighting seven digital business resources to help micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) during this unprecedented period and beyond.

ICC Individual online training courses

Whether you are looking for new ways to go global or interested in finding a neutral framework for your contractual relationships without the cost of a lawyer, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has a variety of dedicated digital tools to support and guide small businesses in the face of the worst health and economic crisis of our time.

To help Save Our SMEs, ICC is offering a range of essential digital business resources, for free or at a 50% discounted rate. Read on to learn more.

1. Incoterms® 2020

The Incoterms® rules are a globally-recognised set of standards, used worldwide in international and domestic contracts for the delivery of goods. The trade terms allow importers and exporters like you to better understand their responsibilities, all while avoiding costly misunderstandings. What’s more, the 2020 edition came into effect in January, meaning they’ve received a fresh update to keep you in the know at all times.

2. Hardship and Force Majeure in International Commercial Contracts

Is COVID-19 considered a force majeure event? ICC recently updated its Hardship and Force Majeure clause to steer businesses looking to draft contracts that are adaptable to such unforeseen circumstances. To compliment the clause, the Hardship and Force Majeure in International Commercial Contracts guide explores the rules and sets out a range of perspectives on contract adaptions by arbitrators to help parties navigate the complex issues you face in difficult times.

3. Drafting and Negotiating International Commercial Contracts

With the globalised world in partial or complete lockdown, companies have had to quickly pivot their operations to stay afloat. For those looking to take their business across borders, this handy guide outlines what to expect and how to prepare in order to avoid the most common pitfalls.

4. ICC’s collection of banking rules

Having companies around the world abide by the same guidelines levels the playing field, making it easier for MSMEs to break into international markets. If you’re a small business looking to mitigate risks involved with trade, ICC’s rules are the most successful privately drafted rules for trade and are continuously updated to reflect the changing nature of banking in trade.

5. Certificate of Origin Guidelines

The current pandemic has brought about an increase in fake documentation, altering the origin of counterfeit products and causing physical and economic harm. Chambers of commerce wanting to guarantee their commitment to using the highest quality of service will gladly find that this guide outlines everything from the latest certificate of origin (CO) developments – most notably concerning the digitalisation of the CO process – to the specific roles and duties of chambers of commerce and how to determine and verify origin. There are even sample letters and forms that can be used to showcase best practices.

6. ICC Model Contracts

To help prevent your agreements from getting you into the wrong kind of bind, we’ve developed an array of model contracts and clauses to ensure you have the sound legal basis you need to draft an even-handed agreement. Constructed to protect the interested of all parties, these agreements combine a single framework of rules with flexible provisions to allow you to curate the requirements you need for your business workings.

7. A selection of ICC Academy online programmes

Our world is changing, and fast. To help professionals transform their practices, ICC has designed a suite of online certificated programmes to help meet the ever-growing needs of the international business community. Thanks to our educational arm, the ICC Academy, the industry-backed curriculum is crafted by a roster of international experts to offer the most up-to-the-minute training possible. From the Incoterms® 2020 Certificate, the Export/Import Certificate and Free Trade Agreement Certificate to the E-Involving Solutions Certificate and Microfinance Associate Certificate, we have an assortment of online learning options to help take your skills to the next level.

ICC’s selection of key digital resources are now free or at 50% discounted rate for MSMEs globally from 15 June to 15 July. To benefit, use the promotional code SME-50 upon checkout through our e-commerce platform, ICC Knowledge 2 Go.