Arbitral institutions unite in joint statement
The ICC International Court of Arbitration has joined other arbitral institutions from around the world in a message calling for solidarity and cooperation in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The joint statement is co-signed by the ICC Court, 12 other arbitral institutions and the International Federation of Commercial Arbitration Institutions.
President of the ICC Court Alexis Mourre said: “Now is a time for solidarity to ensure arbitral institutions play a leading role in contributing to an effective COVID-19 response. As a recognised leading arbitral institution with global reach we are proud to join our arbitral peers and to continue our efforts to provide certainty and recourse to trusted dispute resolution services at this volatile time.”
In expressing their intent to collaborate in providing effective responses to the challenges faced by dispute resolution practitioners, the signatories encourage parties and arbitrators to discuss any potential impact and ways to address it. With a view to mitigating COVID-19-related delays, they also call for a use of their institutional rules and any case management techniques which may allow dispute resolution proceedings to advance without undue delay.