Digital economy

Internet governance

The Internet is a critical resource for business, governments, and society-at-large. Business plays a crucial role in unlocking the potential of the global digital economy through innovation and investment in the development of new technologies.

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Every business today depends on a secure, stable, and trusted Internet and Internet governance has implications for businesses operating all over the world, regardless of location, sector, or company size.

ICC advocates for the adoption of policies that leverage the Internet to connect people, create jobs, reduce poverty and foster socio-economic growth. The existing multistakeholder model of governance is the best way to uphold these goals, and ensure that the Internet remains open, transparent and inclusive, and the most effective means to inform Internet policy decisions at government level. 

What is Internet governance? 

Internet governance is the process of developing norms and principles that impact the way the Internet is used and functions. It includes solving technical issues, setting regulatory frameworks, and policymaking to respond to social, economic and security matters, as well as questions of trust, standard-setting, accountability and jurisdiction. 

In 2005 the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) affirmed the need for all stakeholders – governments, the private sector, civil society, the technical and academic communities – to engage collectively for the effective governance of the Internet, preserving its open and globally interoperable nature.  Internet governance is also a critical facet in the development of international trade and economic growth since the ways in which the Internet is governed affects business activity regardless of geographic location or sector. Business engagement is an essential requirement for stable development and stewardship of the Internet.

What is ICC BASIS ? 

Established in 2006, following the WSIS, Business Action to Support the Information Society (BASIS) is a project of the International Chamber of Commerce and is recognised as the de facto focal point facilitating global business coordination on Internet governance, information and communication technology (ICT) and digital policy issues in the post-WSIS activities.

Designed as a hub of multinational enterprises, SMEs and associations from around the world and across sectors, ICC BASIS is the leading voice of business in international dialogues on how information ICTs and digital technologies can better serve as engines of economic growth and social development.

ICC BASIS leverages its collective expertise to engage with governments and international organisations, emphasising the impact and benefits of stakeholder inclusion in effective policymaking. ICC BASIS is a key advocacy vehicle of the global digital policy agenda, aligning with consensus-built policy positions and practical recommendations of ICC’s Global Digital Economy Commission.

How business shaped the Internet Governance Forum 2024 

Internet Governance Forum

The Internet Governance Forum (IGF) is recognised as one of the most significant outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS).  This multistakeholder venue provides a platform for a candid and open discussion to consider public policy issues relating to the Internet.  Participants focus on sharing information and experience on an equal footing, to help policymakers take informed decisions. ICC BASIS, as the focal point for business since the IGF was launched, is the primary source for business input, advocating for the Internet to remain open, secure, stable, and inclusive.   

Global business firmly believes in the multistakeholder approach as an enabler of effective Internet governance and digital policy discussions.  Supporting the multistakeholder approach helps create a resilient digital environment that benefits all users and fosters development. Therefore, it is imperative to ensure that it is preserved and reflected across discussions that aim to:

IGF 2024 Newcomers guide

This guide will support your participation as a business newcomer at IGF 2024.

IGF 2024 Business guide

This guide will provide you with the business messages that ICC BASIS will bring at IGF 2024.

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Relevant Publications

ICC Policy Primer on Cybersecurity

A policy primer highlighting key issues and challenges that business and society face in strengthening Internet security and responding to the large and growing range of cybersecurity threats.

ICC Cybersecurity Issue Brief #1

An ICC Issues brief calling for government action on cybersecurity

ICC Cybersecurity Issue Brief #2

Implementing norms and rules for responsible state behaviour in cyberspace and enhancing cooperation to counter cybercrime.

ICC Cybersecurity Issue Brief #2 Annex

Substantive considerations on an international instrument on cybercrime