
ICC Ten conditions for a transition towards a Green Economy (2012)

  • 11 November 2016

To provide guidance for governments on key lessons learned, ICC undertook extensive analysis and consultation to determine what is required to further a transition towards a "green economy".

ICC Ten conditions for a transition towards a Green Economy (2012)

The private sector has already taken concrete actions towards a “green economy”, including reducing environmental impacts across value chains, increasing energy and resource efficiency, investing in low-carbon and renewable energy and reducing waste.

To provide guidance for governments on key lessons learned, ICC undertook extensive analysis and consultation to determine what is required to further a transition towards a “green economy“, including the development of the following ten high-level conditions towards a “green economy“:

– Open and competitive markets
– Metrics, accounting, and reporting
– Finance and investment
– Awareness
– Life cycle approach
– Resource efficiency and decoupling
– Employment
– Education and skills
– Governance and partnership
– Integrated policy and decision-making