Certificates of Origin

WCF launches Certificates of Origin survey

  • 11 March 2015

Data collected from the ICC World Chambers Federation’s (WCF) latest worldwide survey on Certificates of Origin (CO) will gather valuable information on how chambers of commerce are using COs to facilitate trusted worldwide trade.

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The International Certificates of Origin Survey, which will collect data on the issuance of COs, is part of WCF’s work to harmonize CO-related procedures used by local chambers, as well as to reinforce best practices.

This biennial survey maps out trends and opportunities related to CO issuance, and helps WCF work more closely with chambers and their exporters through direct assistance and advocacy for chambers on trade facilitation matters.

Organizations such as chambers of commerce are natural partners for customs and trade agencies due to their close proximity to business, and their role as trusted, neutral third parties in the customs business partnership.

“Organizations such as chambers of commerce are natural partners for customs and trade agencies due to their close proximity to business, and their role as trusted, neutral third parties in the customs business partnership,” said Anthony Parkes, WCF Director. “The survey helps WCF to review and develop its services for chambers. By keeping abreast of the CO activities of local chambers’, WCF can consolidate its research and have a greater impact both globally and nationally, through a better understanding of and support for  chamber’s trade work,” Mr Parkes said.

A previous International CO Survey led WCF to initiate the International Certificates of Origin Accreditation Chain, which assures businesses, exporters and importers, banks and customs that participating chambers meet internationally accepted best practices for issuing COs. A CO verification website developed in 2014 also enables customs to verify the authenticity of COs issued by participating chambers.

All chambers of commerce undertaking certificate of origin activities are invited to take the survey, which takes only a few minutes to complete. Responses will be kept strictly confidential. Chambers can access the survey online.

from 11 March to 30 April 2015.

Learn more about Certificates of Origin.

Learn more about the ICC World Chambers Federation.