Chamber services
WCF backs Junior Chamber International gathering
In the wake of 2011 World Chambers Congress success, the ICC World Chambers Federation (WCF) recently lent its support to the annual Summit of Junior Chamber International, a worldwide federation for entrepreneurs and professionals under the age of 40.
In accordance with a memorandum of understanding between the two organizations, ICC was a partner of the Summit that highlighted how strategic partnerships can be implemented at the local level to build a better world and make advances towards the Millennium Development Goals – eight internationally-agreed goals to alleviate poverty by 2015.
Tapping into its extensive network of executive and chamber leaders, WCF recommended Summit speakers Peter Robinson, President and CEO of ICC’s US arm the United States Council for International Business and Aaron Nelson, WCF member and President and CEO of the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Chamber of Commerce, USA
Speaking at the Summit opening plenary entitled Global Collaboration to Implement the UN MDGs, Mr Robinson underscored the power of business to positively impact the communities.
Likewise, in a breakout session on sustainability, Mr Nelson inspired Summit participants by illustrating concrete examples of how the power of business can be harnessed to create positive change.
The Summit, which took place 20-23 June in New York City, USA, concluded with a resolution to return to undertake sustainable projects that would advance the UN Millennium Development Goals in respective JCI member Communities.