ATA Carnet

Seven reasons why states should implement the ATA Carnet system

  • 5 August 2014

Jointly administered by the World Customs Organization (WCO) and ICC World Chambers Federation (WCF), ATA Carnets are also an indispensable document for states.

ICC Customs and trade

So why should countries implement the ATA Carnet system?

1) Take full advantage of the global economy…

Known as the ‘passport for goods’, ATA Carnets are genuine trade facilitation tools. They allow the duty-free and tax-free temporary import and export of goods.

2) …With a system that has international credibility

The ATA system is governed by international conventions that define how Carnets are issued and guaranteed. This means they have worldwide credibility.

3) The ATA international guarantee chain provides reciprocal guarantees

These guarantees assure customs administrations the payment of duties and taxes incurred in cases when goods covered by Carnets are not re-exported.

4) A safe and secure administration…

Carnets are issued safely and securely by chambers of commerce and similar business organizations affiliated to the ICC, WCF ATA international guarantee chain.

5) …And a single guaranteeing organization

Each country in the ATA chain has a single guaranteeing organization. This organization, which is approved by the national customs authorities and ICC World Chambers Federation, oversees the smooth operation of the ATA system locally and globally.

6) What’s more, they are globally accepted

Today, ATA Carnets are issued and accepted in 74 countries, with many more expected to join in the future.

7) Facilitate global trade and cooperation with the private sector

The ATA Carnet system is a perfect illustration of how close cooperation between business and customs can facilitate international trade.

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