ICC Model Online B2C General Conditions of Sale

Free downloadable model + annexes for B2C online sales through a company website, which can raise fundamentally different issues than selling through classic brick-and-mortar channels.

What are the main features of this model? 


International business transactions require precise and detailed underlying contracts. However, it can be expensive and time-consuming to draft such  contracts oneself. The ICC Model Online B2C General Conditions of Sale + accompanying EU Requirements and Non-EU Country Annexes respond to the market’s need for a reliable and equitable template, providing a set of clear and concise standard general sale conditions as a starting point for sellers to tailor to the requirements of the relevant consumer protection rules. 

International trade is increasingly conducted virtually, and manufacturers and companies who want to remain competitive need to have a website, not only for the promotion of their products, but also for the sale of their goods to consumers. As greater numbers of traders move towards selling their goods online directly to consumers, many companies— particularly micro/small/medium-sized businesses (MSMEs)—find themselves needing guidance on how to draft online conditions of sale to reach their desired customers around the world. 

Those who decide to sell online through a company website must address issues substantially different from those faced when selling through traditional physical channels, including compliance with special consumer protection rules such as requirements on pre-contractual information to be provided, the right of withdrawal, and the means of payment. 

The  Model Online B2C General Conditions of Sale provide a comprehensive template, but note that these conditions must be adapted to comply with the consumer protection law[s] of the customers/clients to whom goods are being sold. 

The accompanying EU Requirements + Non-EU Country Annexes provide further help with information on how to design a website that will meet demanding EU standards, as well as specific information on requirements in selected EU member states and non-EU countries.   

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