ICC Model International Transfer of Technology Contract

A framework to provide for the transfer of technology/IP among business entities around the world as intellectual assets increasingly drive global trade and commerce.

What are the main features of this model? 

An international business transaction requires a precise and detailed underlying contract. However, it can be expensive and time-consuming to draft such a contract oneself. The ICC Model International Transfer of Technology Contract responds to the market’s need for a reliable and equitable template, providing a set of clear and concise standard provisions regarding transfer of technology and intellectual property between businesses that will save parties time and money in the negotiation process. 

As technology and IP rights become increasingly important features of commercial transactions, more and more companies of all sizes across the globe conclude transactions to transfer technology among business entities. 

The model covers the situation where a manufacturer licenses a package of information and industrial property rights to a licensee company, the allowing the licensee also to manufacture the products, using the licensor’s technology. 

A wide-ranging introduction explains in detail what users need to take into account when transferring technology: from anti-trust to tax issues and other pitfalls. In the body of the model, comprehensive guidance notes also provide assistance on issues the parties should consider and drafting options they should choose among. Finally, a thorough set of annexes make this model a vital tool for international licensors and licensees who seek a form that is fair and balanced for both sides and can be used across a range of industries. 

The model covers issues such as options for licensing a trademark (perhaps by means of the ICC Model International Trademark License) , possible buy-back of products by the licensor, mandatory local rules in the licensor and licensee’s countries, and territorial limitations. 


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ICC Model Contract International
Transfer of Technology

Legal Handbook for Global Sourcing Contracts

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