- Model contracts & clauses
ICC Model International Sale Contract
The renowned best-seller, drafted to dovetail with Incoterms® 2020,is a time-saving guide for traders, importers, lawyers and all parties involved in sales of goods.
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What are the main features of this model?
An international business transaction requires a precise and detailed underlying contract. However, it can be expensive and time-consuming to draft such a contract oneself. The ICC Model International Sale Contract responds to the market’s need for a reliable and equitable template, providing a set of clear and concise standard contractual conditions for the international sale of goods.
Although the model is denominated a ‘sale’ contract, it is equally appropriate for use by buyers as it balances the interests of exporters (sellers) and importers (buyers) and may thus also be used as a so-called ‘purchase’ agreement.
The model contract is divided into two parts:
- Specific Conditions, which allow the parties to use the model directly by filling in the blanks in the form;
- and General Conditions, which provide a platform of standard legal terms and thus a reference tool for contract drafting or negotiation.
These General Conditions may be used together with the Specific Conditions, or independently.
The introductory section explains the scope of the contract, how it should be used, and contains helpful tips and reminders. The Specific Conditions allow parties easily to select on of the 11 Incoterms® 2020 rules for inclusion in the contract.
The ICC Model International Sale Contract is specifically adapted for transactions governed by the UN Convention for the International Sale of Goods (CISG), which applies to an increasingly large volume of international sales and is included as an annex.
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ICC Model Contract – International Sale
(Manufactured Goods)

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