Go-to Guides to the ICC Advertising and Marketing Communications Code
Your quick guides to the basics of the Code, influencer marketing, marketing to children and teens plus the ultimate checklist to ensure your communications meet the standards of the world’s Code.
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ICC Code Basics
The ICC Advertising and Marketing Communications Code has been the backbone of self-regulation in advertising and marketing communications globally since 1937. Although the founding principles of being legal, decent, honest and truthful have stayed the same, the code has expanded to keep pace with technological, social and media shifts around the world.
This go-to guide is a summary of the principles you need to know within the 11th edition of Code. It’s a brief overview designed to help you navigate the main considerations when you are creating or delivering responsible marketing communications. Of course, the complete guidance is available in the ICC Code itself.

Download the ICC Code basics
The ultimate ICC Code checklist
For the first time, the latest edition of the ICC Code contains a comprehensive checklist to help you assess whether your communications fall within the remit of the Code and whether they meet the standards it lays out.
It’s the perfect checklist for brands, agencies, and any other creators or marketers to ensure their communications stay in the rules. The checklist can be downloaded below and found in Annex 1 of the 11th Edition of the ICC Code.

Download the ultimate ICC Code checklist