ICTs and environmental sustainability Discussion Paper
A snapshot on climate change and the role of ICTs; ICTs as both enabler and driver of sustainable solutions; The ICT industry and its own footprint; The policy landscape;

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT or ICTs) continue to transform, around the world how we live, work and play. As a key contributor to growth and employment, ICTs increase efficiency and productivity, creating jobs and supporting business models which recognize the portability of information, workforce mobility and distribution of resources.
The power of ICTs as an economic enabler is particularly true in the context of increased availability of high-speed Internet. The Internet, which is an excellent example of the application of ICTs, has also been a major driver of globalization, multiplying the positive effects of innovation in management and operational processes, and the distribution of wealth and opportunities for employment. Generally speaking, for every dollar invested in broadband IP (Internet protocol) technologies and collaborative tools, another four dollars are generated in return. And, the World Bank has estimated that for every 10% increase in high-speed Internet access, economic growth rises 1.3%.