ICC/BASIS preliminary contribution regarding “Taking stock and way forward” session at the IGF in Rio, advisory group, and preparations for Rio
Members of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and its initiative, Business Action to Support the Information Society (BASIS), companies and business associations from around the world and from all sectors, submit this preliminary contribution ahead of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (12-15 November 2007) to contribute to the multi-stakeholder discussions regarding the IGF during the “Taking stock and way forward” session and after Rio, and other preparatory matters.

In his invitation to all stakeholders to participate in the second Internet Governance Forum (IGF), the UN Secretary General stated that: “The Forum is modest in its means but not in its aspirations. Its hallmark is multi-stakeholder collaboration, based on the exchange of information and the sharing of best practices. This new form of international cooperation is both inclusive and egalitarian. And it presents governments, the private sector and civil society, including academic and technical communities, with the opportunity to work together towards a sustainable, robust, secure and stable Internet, as envisioned by the Tunis Agenda for the Information Society.” [emphasis added] In keeping with this vision, the Secretary General provided the following guidance on appointment of the IGF Advisory Group: “As part of its mandate, the Advisory Group has been asked to enhance the transparency of the preparatory process by ensuring a continuous flow of information between its members and the various interested groups. It has also been requested to make proposals on a suitable rotation among its members, based on recommendations from the various interested groups. Any decision on how to prepare subsequent meetings will be taken after the Rio de Janeiro meeting in an open, inclusive and transparent consultative process, taking into account the proposals of the Advisory Group.”[emphasis added]