Chamber services

Online documentary credits site wins user approval

  • 15 February 2001

In the five months since ICC began offering its documentary credit information online, users from more than 25 countries have subscribed to the service. Another 1500 are taking advantage of the one-week free trial.

User comments on the service, which is called DC-PRO Focus, have been strongly positive.

What users are saying about DC-PRO Focus: “The site is excellent in terms of its content/information.” DS -India

“A real time saver. I use it every day” DA – Denmark

“The site is wonderful and very informative. I look forward to using it over and over.” JM -U.S.A.

“The idea is excellent and I liked it very much. It will be of value to all DC practitioners.” AB – Saudi Arabia

“Very impressed. Reader friendly.” GD- Ireland

“Excellent!” CG – U.S.A.

DC-PRO Focus, offered on a sub scription basis, offers a searchable database of all the ICC’s reference material on documentary credits, including:

Opinions of the Banking Commission
Documentary Credits Insight, the ICC’s authoritative quarterly newsletter
ICC rules on banking, including UCP 500, URR 525, URC 522, ISP98, URDG 458 and DOCDEX
Official ICC Banking Commission policy documents
Fraud alerts
Legal cases, and
Breaking news stories on letters of credit
The site is updated several times a week.