ATA Carnet

Mexico to join ATA Carnet System

  • 2 May 2011

The ATA Carnet System is set to expand on 16 May, when Mexico will join this international system, which reduces paperwork and costs for businesses travelling with goods, following new members such as Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the United Arab Emirates.

ATA Carnet
Mexico has long been identified as one of the priority target countries by the network of organizations already affiliated with the ATA guarantee chain, administered by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC). The addition will bring to 71 the number of countries accepting ATA Carnets, which work like passports for goods. Mexico’s large economy and geographic position make it both an important international trading partner and transit point for goods. Mexico is the United States’s second-largest export market and its third-largest trading partner. Mexican exports to the US in 2009 were worth US$185 billion, representing approximately 80% of the country’s total exports, according to US State Department figures. Mexico’s entry into the ATA chain will also facilitate trade relations between Mexican business and their foreign partners. “Adding Mexico to the ATA Carnet System is a big achievement and will have a significant impact on users due to the sheer volumes of trade that go to Mexico,” said Peter Bishop, Chair of the ICC World Chambers Federation World ATA Carnet Council (WATAC). “Travelling with goods will now be easier for businesses wanting to go tothis important hub.” The Mexico City National Chamber of Commerce (CANACO) will administer ATA Carnets, the international customs documents that allow for the duty and tax-free temporary import and export of goods for up to one year. ATA Carnets are particularly useful for companies bringing samples to customers, exhibiting at trade fairs or transporting equipment. They improve trade opportunities by both reducing customs procedures, and significantly minimizing costs. WATAC is the ICC working body responsible for administering the international guarantee chain for ATA Carnets. The chain includes chambers and business organizations that have been appointed by their national customs authorities to issue and guarantee Carnets. Prior to Mexico, Bosnia and Herzegovina joined the ATA Carnet system on 18 April, following the United Arab Emirates, which joined on 1April. More than 160,000 Carnets are issued every year worldwide, for goods with a total value of over US$20 billion. Carnets cover all goods traded internationally, with the exception of perishable items. “The next country we would really like to see join the chain is Brazil,” Mr Bishop said. To find out more, please visit: