World Chambers Federation
ICC WCF Honorary Chairman opens conference of friendly chambers
The role of chambers in bringing the voice of business to the table is more important than ever, ICC World Chambers Federation (WCF) Honorary Chairman Rona Yircali told delegates during the opening ceremony of the 4th Beijing International Conference of Friendly Chambers of Commerce on 7 June 2017.
Organised by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Beijing Sub-council (CCPIT Beijing) and Beijing Chamber of International Commerce (BCIC), the theme of this year’s biannual event was “cooperation, development and win-win outcome”.
“We meet at a tıme of growing hostility to trade and globalisation,” said Mr Yircali. “Chambers are devoted to strengthening economic growth, prosperity and sustainability. [They] exist in every country of the world and offer a multitude of programmes and services that support trade and development. Working hand in hand, we can make a real difference to companies both large and small, and indeed, to society as a whole.”
Mr Yircali also spoke on a panel discussing technologies for the promotion of global trade. Touching on ways in which chambers can actively implement new technology initiatives to encourage stability and growth, he said: “We chambers need to build upon our global interconnectivity and network to develop real integrated international trade formality services, deliver trustworthy tools and establish recognised best business practices in both the physical and digital worlds.”
The event gathered chambers of commerce and industry (CCI) leaders throughout the world. It was a prime occasion to discuss collaboration between chambers in the aspect of information exchanges, legal service and more. In-depth discussions were also carried out around roles of chambers in the Belt and Road Initiative and chambers’ commercial legal services. CCPIT Beijing and BCIC took the event as an opportunity to launch the Alliance of Chambers for the Belt and Road Initiative, a platform for multilateral exchanges among chambers and other associations to provide better services for its members.
ICC WCF is a strong supporter of events that examine key priorities and challenges facing the global chamber community. “Events like this one and our World Chambers Congress, which will take place from 19 to 21 September in Sydney, allow our network to persist and prosper. In an age of virtual meetings, people, relationships and first-hand impressions matter. They are essential to developing trust and building win-win relationships. We very much look forward to [the global chamber network] joining us in Sydney to build on the experiences we have formed as friendly chambers,” said Mr Yircali.