Chamber services
ICC kicks off 90th anniversary celebrations with launch of Research Foundation
Over 270 business leaders converge in Geneva today to celebrate the International Chamber of Commerce’s 90th anniversary, which will be highlighted by the launch of the ICC Research Foundation.

The ICC Research Foundation was established in December last year to reinforce ICC’s role of providing global intellectual leadership on public policy issues of major concern to business and peoples around the world. “What is needed now is a way to make a compelling case for world trade, in the context of today’s world, that is accessible to all and based on well-designed research,” said Victor K. Fung, ICC Chairman and Chairman of the Hong Kong-based Li & Fung Group. “That is the aim of the ICC Research Foundation.”
Mr Fung will lead the launch of both the Foundation and ICC’s year-long 90th anniversary celebrations at a reception organized by ICC Switzerland.
ICC Honorary Chairman Marcus Wallenberg will deliver the closing remarks. The other main speakers include Pascal Lamy, Director-General of the World Trade Organization, and Micheline Calmy-Rey, Member of the Swiss Federal Council and Head of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs. The ICC Research Foundation will commission studies to demonstrate the public benefits that flow from an expansion of international trade and investment, and how multilateral rules are particularly beneficial to that end. It will also promote a deeper understanding by policymakers, the media and the public at large of the benefits of international trade and investment, and the dangers of protectionism, through a public education programme drawing on the results of its research.
Founded in 1919, ICC promotes trade and investment across frontiers and helps business corporations meet the challenges and opportunities of globalization. Its conviction that trade is a powerful force for peace and prosperity remains as valid today as it was 90 years ago.
The ICC Research Foundation will commission studies by research bodies, academic institutions and other experts in the areas of trade and investment. Its initial research projects will examine the contribution to global prosperity of international trade as seen from the perspective of different geographical regions – beginning with Europe, the US and Asia.
ICC’s 90th anniversary year will include a series of noteworthy events around the world, in Paris, Kuala Lumpur, New York, Boston and New Delhi.