
ICC hosts first Roundtable on Brazilian Taxation Issues

  • 28 September 2011
Banking and finance

ICC Brazil will host its first Taxation Roundtable under the auspices of the ICC Taxation Commission on the 21st October 2011 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

The event aims to shed light on Brazil tax policy and administrative practices. It promises to be highly pertinent given the crucial role tax policies play in providing stability in today’s continually changing international trade climate.

As a BRIC economy and the largest country in South America, Brazil is one of the world’s fastest growing major economies. This event will be a unique opportunity for the business community to engage local Revenue Officials, Ministers and opinion makers in order to constructively approach tax policy towards international investment in Brazil.

With input from globally recognized tax experts, the meeting will be a chance to make contrasts and comparisons by examining international practices and initiatives currently in place around the world.

Organized by business for business, the meeting will appeal to tax directors, counsel, policy officials and practioners. It guarantees to bring a unique, fresh perspective to a multitude of taxation issues, and promises to be a capturing debate not to be missed.